Five Ways Trucking Analytics Can Keep Your Fleet Operating Efficiently

– Teresa Madaleno:

Last year, we heard a lot about self-driving trucks, but many trucking companies and regulators want to make sure the technology is ready before they fully commit to driverless rigs. Even if autonomous trucks are widely adopted, they will have to exist with trucks that still have drivers behind the wheel. Those human drivers are more likely to be working with technology that analyzes their rig every step along the route.

Trucking is just one of many industries taking advantage of historical data to help make important decisions. Using advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (“AI”) can lead to better decisions about routing, maintenance, loading and unloading, client relations, and even driver well-being.

Sparta Group’s TruckSuite™ brand is led by an impressive U.S based management team, well-versed in advanced analytics and “AI”. This means Sparta is well positioned to assist truckers who are looking to remain competitive.

Sparta’s technical staff report five specific ways trucking analytics are helping fleet operations:

Fuel Savings – One of the bigger ways to save on fuel costs is by using data analytics to optimize routes or range plans so you can reduce fuel consumption. Systems can analyze traffic patterns, weather conditions, as well as trucking zones. They can also tell the driver where the next nearest truck stops are.

Maintenance – When analytics are used to find the most efficient routes, fleets can reduce wear and tear on their trucks, which can mean lower maintenance costs. Data also allows for the improvement of maintenance scheduling. For instance, you can schedule preventive maintenance at the most convenient times. Additionally, by analyzing the truck’s performance data, fleet operators can pinpoint potential issues before they become big problems on the road. In the long run, this reduces downtime and expensive repairs.

Safety – Artificial Intelligence allows for enhanced safety and compliance by simply monitoring driver behavior. For example, hours of service. Tracking and analysis of everything from speeding to harsh braking can alert drivers and fleet managers so they can act before an accident happens.

Driver Health – Being able to track and monitor aspects of a driver’s health is easy with the help of data and AI. Sparta’s TruckSuite™ partners in the U.S recently introduced female truckers at a tradeshow in Dallas, to the company’s specialized app that includes tools for drivers to help them maintain good health. The TruckSuite™ app will soon be available to Canadian truckers.

Customer Satisfaction – Thanks to real-time trucking data, tracking shipments and predicting delays is a lot easier and faster. This allows the trucking industry to get the job done, communicate seamlessly with customers and thus improve customer satisfaction.

Trucking analytics continues to evolve and one day artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) will allow truckers to access and analyze large amounts of data that will improve the supply chain, improve safety, and reduce costs. Sparta’s TruckSuite™ Canada hopes to play an important role in these advances.

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